About Us

Who we are?
We are working to develop leadership skills to inspire young people to make them aware as a partner of the UN SDGs. By preparing the youth as active citizens, they are contributing to build the future leadership of the country by joining branches based in their region such as: South Asian Youth Hub. Since its inception, we have been able to motivate young people to practice leadership, thus keeping them away from militancy, drug and criminal activities and making a positive impact on their community by working peacefully in SDG-16.
Ours Road to Journey
Total Leaders
Total Hub’s
Established in 2018
29 July 2018 from Bangladesh

The year was 2016. A young man was shocked by a militant attack on a Holey Artisan restaurant at Dhaka. He was saddened by the killings that took place with the involvement of the youth.
The militants released Fayaz Ayaz Hossain but he was martyred in a bid to free his friends. In that incident, Fayaz Ayaz Hossain’s honesty and determination shook him. Ever since the horrific incident of the Holy Artizan, he has felt that if the youth could be enriched with social responsibility they would not turn to militancy. Following the incident, he set up a global youth platform called the Youth Parliament to provide opportunities for community leadership through advocacy and promoting parliamentary democracy. Also by engaging with global youth’s including Bangladesh to contribute in the UN SDG 16. This global youth vibrant network was established by Sarker Tanvir Ahmed on July 29 in 2018 from Bangladesh.
To offer such programs and Leadership Opportunities that will be directly linked to the leadership.
To make the youths competent for leading to contribute in the SDG’s for their community and nation successfully.